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  1. I would love to hear everything about the up & coming event

  2. When will the inscription start

  3. Hi will I be acepted with my piaggio Zip

  4. Will Vespas be avail for rent in celle?

  5. Hi, unfortunately not, we are trying to find a solution for the Vespa rental.

  6. Hi Peter,
    let’s say it is an event for Vespa scooters, organised by the Vespa World Club and its affiliated clubs. Everyone has to decide for themselves, what kind of vehicle they come to such an event on – however many guests appreciate being able to see other makes, especially old metal scooters.

  7. Dear Sir

    We are Vespa Club Hong Kong, newly recognized by Vespa World Club in Oct 2016. We would like to join the Vespa World Days 2017 but we do not have the password and user name for login registration yet. Can we register by email instead?

    Thank you so much for your help.

    Angela Ngai
    Vespa Club Hong Kong

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